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HR goes to the cloud

The benefit of being online anytime, anywhere brings modernization to HR processes

Payroll, talent and people management software are seen by many to be an established and moribund technology. This however is not so. Like so many business sectors, HR has undergone a profound shift in terms of modernization of technology to become more efficient, easier to use and thus more effective for HR professionals through the use of Cloud software or Software as a Service (SaaS)

While SaaS technology is evolutionary, its business implications are considered revolutionary. SaaS demand is being driven by businesses who are seeking to optimize their costs and flexibility. In the past, many vendors provided software that companies would implement on-premise, costing the company time, manpower and server space. Cloud HR solutions are being particularly driven by a demand for return on investment by companies who are trying to reduce these burdens that legacy systems place on their IT infrastructure, often coupled with mixed results in terms of stability and usability.

Fortunately however, cloud computing systems offer a resolution. Such systems are growing at a rate far exceeding on-premise solutions, offering companies stable and scalable HR operating platforms without any investment in expensive infrastructure or ongoing maintenance, allowing companies to do far more with far less cost.

Aside from conducting processes faster, better and cheaper, SaaS solutions can enable companies to do new things in a highly scalable way. Employees in international companies can easily and securely access one consolidated system from anywhere in the world, at any time using just an internet browser. SaaS applications have speeds that feel like you’re running the application right off the desktop and there is no performance deterioration whether the company has a headcount of 10 or 100,000. Today, although on-premise systems deployment is available, may companies weigh up the costs and benefits and instead go for a fully cloud-based solution.

Enterprises should recognize emerging cloud capabilities and take advantage of new service offerings. The ability to conduct rapid deployment, the cost savings, the integration with various business elements and the interaction of end users with HR services such as payroll, tax lodgment, leave calculations and claims processing all result in highly effective human resources, making cloud based human resources solutions a technology consideration for any organization looking to take HR to the next level.

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