In today's constantly-evolving business landscape, it is critical for organizations to invest in effective training systems to boost their workforce's performance and productivity. In fact, a report by Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed that three-quarters (74%) of employees are more inclined to stay with the organization if it offers continuous learning and development. With learning and development becoming an increasingly strategic aspect within the HR function, training systems also need to evolve to maximize knowledge transfer.
Here are 7 trends that are shaping training systems in 2024 and beyond.
Microlearning is a learning strategy that delivers information in bitesize, compact lessons, aimed at boosting knowledge uptake and transfer. Given that employees have to juggle between work and personal lives, microlearning provides flexibility for learning in the workplace without employees having to adjust their schedules. Some examples of microlearning include educational quizzes, infographics that provide visual representation of the intended information, or apps that provide microlessons on the go, such as word or topic of the day. With the rise of microlearning, training systems need to be able to support and deliver these short-form content in various format in order to maximize employees' learning.
Just-in-time learning
Just-in-time learning is the approach of having access to knowledge when it is needed. It is similar to looking up for information when needed on the internet, or searching for a food recipe online when required. Unlike traditional learning, just-in-time learning is a powerful learning tool in the workplace as it provides employees with the information that they need, when they need to apply it. For example, if employees are taught how to use a new software just before the new software is being rolled out, employees are likely to be able to remember how to use it. Such learning pedagogy enables employees to absorb the information quickly and retain it better.
Contextualized learning
While just-in-time learning provides training in the moment of need, contextualized learning facilitates better information retention by providing information in the context or scenario where the training will be applied. For instance, letting employees navigate the exact software that will be implemented directly in their work, or using a demo account to simulate the work that employees will be doing, allow them to understand the applications of the system. This is where learning platforms may opt to offer demo or trial accounts to enable better uptake of information.
It is easier to engage employees when learning is fun. Which is why learning systems today incorporate some form of gaming element in training, also known as gamification. Using gaming elements such as themed badges, hall of fame, and certifications not only motivates employees, it also creates a sense of community and learning environment within the workplace. At the same time, it enables HR to track and evaluate the success of training programmes, as well as the level of engagement for employees taking part in the training.
As employees navigate different career aspirations, personalized learning plays a huge role in building a high-performing workforce. When learning is personalized to each employee, engagement levels go up. Training systems today have to be flexible in analyzing employees' training needs and aspirations, and delivering appropriate content, courses and training materials to help them achieve their career needs.
Practical skills
While the majority of employees are often trained in hard skills, many employees also value training that helps to hone their soft skills. This is likely to shape training systems going forward, which traditionally focuses on contextual learning and hard skills that the organization or the job requires. As productivity levels become a key focus for leaders going forward, training systems are likely to gradually center programmes toward building soft skills.
Proper use of data can provide insights on the effectiveness of training programmes and areas of improvement. Hence, it is not surprising that training systems and tools today also leverage data. Different types of training tools apply data differently and offer varying insights depending on the organization's needs. For instance, training systems may track training content consumption, completion rates and software utilization - offering HR leaders insights on the adoption rates of training programmes. Other digital training tools may then measure employee engagement, productivity levels and outputs. These deeper insights, in turn, enable HR and business leaders to accurately assess employees' skill levels, design better training programmes and improve overall workforce capabilities.