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4 Talent Assessment Myths

Talent assessments, or pre-employment checks, are typically used by employers to determine if a prospective candidate is a good fit for the job or organisation. In the race to hire the best talent, organisations are increasingly turning towards these talent assessment tests as a way to sieve out the ideal candidates for the respective job roles.

While more organisations are jumping on the talent assessments bandwagon, there are still a handful organisations that are still skeptical about their uses and advantages as part of the recruitment process.

Here are some talent assessment myths that we have busted to help organisations better understand how talent assessment can enhance the overall recruitment process.

They take more time than they are worth

Talent assessments might seem to be time-consuming given the numerous questions that job applicants have to answer. However, most of these talent assessments take no more than half an hour to complete and they actually save more time during the recruitment process. For instance, a psychometric test can help hiring managers determine whether the job applicant is a suitable fit for the job that they are applying for. At the same time, this helps hiring managers to narrow down their talent pool.

To pricey as a recruitment tool

Between hiring a bad candidate that could cost the organisation and eventual turnover as opposed to utilising talent assessment, it is obvious that talent assessments are a better investment in HR’s budget. Considering that for every new hire, organisations have to invest time in onboarding, training and talent management, there is no question that talent assessments can help to narrow down the right candidates that are worth the time and effort.

Might put off potential candidates

Some organisations fear that talent assessments may put off candidates due to the time and effort required and that they might have a lower chance at the job. However, this ultimately falls back on how organisations communicate it to the job applicants. Organisations that are able to communicate the purpose about these talent assessments and how it ties in with the jobs are likely to have job applicants that are serious about applying for the role.

Cannot measure one’s work productivity

Talent assessments do not only measure job applicants’ personality. In fact, with the data collected, it can help organisations predict the individual’s work attitude, productivity, engagement levels as well as other work behaviours. With this predictive data, it helps organisations make better recruitment decisions.

It is imperative for organisations to understand the importance of talent assessments before utilising them. This can help organisations to sieve out the right candidates for the job role and make better recruitment decisions with these talent assessment tools. 

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